Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Me...a Personal Shopper?

So, I"ve always had a love for fashion and shopping and being a Personal Shopper or Fashion Consultant always had a nice ring to it, but can I really do it? Maybe with a little practice, and some natural talent and not to mention my extensive retail career and fashion degree...ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

I never fully committed because I was afraid of failure and the lack of support from the nay sayers, but if I don't try, I will have already failed! I must believe in myself! Many friends have suggested I should do it. I guess that is a great sign and a nice compliment! They all know who they are! Thank you:)

My friend Liza, that I have known for years offered to be my first test!
Many thanks to you girlfriend!

We decided, to do a before pic! Thank you, Liza for being a trooper;)

These are all the clothes we picked out!

This is the first outfit! We picked things that are easy to mix and match! added some accessories. Next time, we will pick more jewelry to try!
I really loved this on her!

Purple racer back tank without the boyfriend jacket! Gotta love skinny jeans!

Black and white dress layered with jacket. Always a fun outfit that can be dressed up or down!
A great casual look! Pile on the accessories!
Add a scarf! She is looking fabulous! See how versatile this boyfriend jacket is?

She is not able to wear heels, due to a bad knee, so we went for a fashionable, fall Over-the-knee Boot!

We went with these Steve Madden below the knee boots, because of the fabric. she is planning to go back for the velvet ones though;)